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Donor First

Not admin first. Not database first. Glass Register was built for the donor. We have obsessed over creating the best possible digital donation experience so your donors can give with confidence and ease to support the causes they care the most about.

Dalit Freedom icon

Dalit Freedom

Wow your future donors with a media-rich overlay, and maximize their generosity through immersive video and persusasive visuals—all while maintaining your organization's graphic identity. A great example can be found here with Glass Register's 2017 partnership with Dalit Freedom Canada.

VDS icon

Victoria Dandelion Society

Alternately, let your message do the talking without any visual noise to distract. Glass Register's versatile interface can be pared down to a sleek minimalist layout, without compromising effective user experience —or responsive formatting—just like in our campaign with Victoria's Dandelion Society.

UGM version A icon

United Gospel Mission (version A)

When it's time for mission-critical campaigns, or year-end telethons, Glass Register can be cranked up to eleven, both visually and functionally! With the addition of interactive visual hooks, designed to maximize user interactions and encourage generosity, the donation process can be made enjoyable for all.

UGM version B icon

United Gospel Mission (version B)

Glass Register's unparalleled scaleability allows for custom visual layouts, in perfect balance with your particular campaign needs throughout the year. Take the the base UGM donation page seen in the previous demo; it can be reduced to a more compact layout during the off-season, as seen in this example.

Intergrates with:

Mailchimp logo Stripe logo Google Analytics logo IFTTT logo Sendgrid logo

and anything else you can think of...


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